Here you will find everything you need to know about shipping and payment.

Are there any shipping charges for my order?

Yes. If you order within Switzerland, costs are calculated according to the weight in the shopping cart. Depending on the choice of A or B mail, the delivery time is two to five working days if the items can be delivered immediately.

Which countries do you ship to?

We ship internationally to 28 countries including: Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Netherlands, Finland, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, UK, Ireland, Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Portugal, Singapore, South Korea, United Arab Emirates and United States.

Are there customs costs when shipping abroad?

Yes, customs charges may apply. Switzerland is not part of the EU, so customs costs may apply. However, the amount of these costs depends on the tariffs of the respective delivery country.

How long will it take for my order to reach me?

If the goods are in stock, they will be dispatched on the same day. The delivery time is around 3-6 days.
If the goods are not in stock, you will be informed immediately about the delivery time.

Can I have my order delivered to a PickPost station?

No, this is currently not possible. However, we are investigating the option closely.

What payment methods does Skullstore accept?

You can pay with TWINT, Paypal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Mastercard, Mastro, Visa, American Express, UnionPay and Shop Pay. (For companies and institutes also on account.)

Can I pay on account?

We only offer purchase on account for companies and institutes, not for private customers.

Will I receive an invoice for my order?

You will automatically receive the invoice by email while your order is being processed.